About Us

We’re Devoted in Helping Your Business Grow

With more than 5 years of experience in e-commerce and logistic, it’s a wise move to come aboard with us.

We Provide Continuous Improvement, features & Kind Service for Customers

What is the Requirement to join ONZ Runner?

To join as ONZ Runner we requirement is straight forward.

  1. Age 18 – 55
  2. Local or PR
  3. Valid Driving License
  4. Have own transport
  5. Have a valid life insurance
  6. eWallet Topup
What is runner work time?

When you join ONZ Runner, you now become your own boss and own time.

How is the earning system?

ONZ provide automatic payment system either collection of service fee and payment to runner.

We Boost Our Merchants Sales by Our Platform

What is ONZ Merchant Account?

ONZ Merchant account is an account that has more benefits from the normal user account.

What is ONZ Merchant benefit?

As ONZ Merchant, you will get more perk than a normal user, some of it is discounted rate and flat rate. You will also get warehouse storage for PRO* subscription and online eCommerce store too.

Where i can register?

You may register from our ONZ app. Our representative will contact you for final approval.

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